Discussion in 'General' started by Goth_Cartel, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. So I go to work and I come back and yet again griefed, walls blown up a tank a police car and a Humvee stolen which was a gift. So Admin is watching and griefing is punishable.. yeah right the only time I saw a mod is when they came on to say they were going to demolish my place because I wasn't on enough and the place was abandoned,, ffs Ive been on here for 4 days and here every day for 3-4 hours per day maybe more.

    I'm sorry but this place is not being monitored..

    PVE1.. hmm player versus Entity not Player... so whomever is the cheap assed little theif I'm going to find you.

    A seriously pissed off individual
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. It is monitored but we've never promised 24x7 "protection".

    This is a game. Players break rules in games all the time. Most of the time they do it just for kicks and giggles and to feast in the tears of their victims. When we witness griefing or a player reports it, and has evidence to support the claim, we ban the offender(s).

    The only way you will ever play the game with zero chance of being griefed is when you play single player.

    We could have a moderator watching every player and guess what? Until they actually grief we can't take action. Unless we remove every weapon and fists from the game... Someone will ALWAYS be able to break or steal something that doesn't belong to them. Try chopping down a tree to make a campfire with your fists. Nelson changed the game months back. You will no be able to cook or you will freeze.

    You are responsible for your own base. Unturned is tame compared to other sandbox games.
  3. Well I'm done, this is the worst server I have ever played on for griefing and trust me I have played on some tough ones, I was about to donate to the server but after yet another grief where literally every gun, every piece of ammunition, explosive, food, container.. literally EVERYTHING was taken after having 3 or 4 walls blown out of our building I am seriously done with the BS.

    I have run servers myself for nearly 8 years in various games and I know how to moderate, how to check server logs for suspicious activity.. so there is no excuse for poor management..

    Have fun whilst it last everyone who plays here because someone will just steal your stuff
  4. Every server is going to have issues, whether it is griefing or stealing. Some servers have anti-grief but that too has its own issues.

    We do our best with the limited staff that we have.

    As for the "poor management" each server has their own way of handling things, you may not like the way we handle things but as always we do our best.
  5. It's a sandbox game. Gameplay on all of them is going to be pretty close unless the owners give everyone spawn permissions, then it boild down to who hasthe fastest chat macro for spawning items.

    This isn't MineCraft (thank GOD). Some of the automated plugins that keep Minecraft on a somewhat level playing field just don't exist in RocketMod for Unturned. We use what's available.

    And since you feel the need to complain: Tell Nelson. He created the game and he's the one who allows certain features to remain in both PvP and PvE. He's the only one who can change it.
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