
Discussion in 'Support' started by MLG_SWAGGER_420, Nov 30, 2017.

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  1. So I just recently upgraded my rank from pro to elite. It's been a little while and I still don't have my rank, and I have restarted my game many times already. I'm just wondering how long would it take for you to receive a rank?
  2. Sorry dont pay attention to this i messed up on my part of things. I accidently bought a coupon instead of a rank
  3. I was just wondering how do you use a coupon that you bought for elite
  4. @Cory.
    You can upgrade by paying the difference between your current rank and the next rank(s) higher. Cory has to resolve this.
  5. I notified Cory. Senior staff can do no more.
  6. Two forums accounts. That's why he's having issues with the upgrade going through. MLG_Swagger_420 and MLG_Swagger_420 2. :p
  7. Actually, it's not.

    Just needs to add their steam account to one of the accounts.
  8. i didnt even know i had 2 accounts
  9. Now you don't. Removed one and renamed the current one.
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