Raider might be in my base

Discussion in 'Support' started by Laggy, Mar 27, 2017.

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  1. Just logged in pve9 in my base, noticed a bridge of wood siding goes up my base, but the server disconnected. The raider was only able to get one of the six lockers in my base and that's why i am suspecting he might still be in my base. Currently sitting in base with group member hoping to catch the theif the moment he logs in. (Finalestage is group member)

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  2. I'd place new roof panels and extend and move the base, then salvage the area where you think the griefer may be... Basically a relocation. Let him fall. XD If you managed to get a name we can look for him.
  3. The thing is, I turn almost everything I don't use into points the moment I get them. So raiders cant get anything from raiding my base. I just hate them destorying beds and my base is pretty high up.
  4. All the more reason to move a few squares one way or the other, or if he's in the middle of a panel, wall him in and let him die.
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