A new ban report has been created for max-killer. Username Code: max-killer SteamID64 Code: 76561198305668021 Unturned Server Code: PvE5 Banned Reason Code: Stealing, Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness Witness List Code: A.therolf89 Ban Details Code: first he stole my stuff when i died then he stole my explorer got out when he found another persons truck then came back later and hopped into my explorer and when i told him to get out he pulled out a chainsaw and destroyed it then he stole the items that were in my metal wardrobes on my explorer when it blew up. the pve#5 server needs to be managed better or taken down this is the 2nd ban request i've put in for this server in the last day
Unfortunately we need you to post screenshots or video of the offender and the damage or no action can be taken.