Accepted Player Ban Report for ARL aka RebirD request by pahan123

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by pahan123, Aug 25, 2017.

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  1. A new ban report has been created for RebirD.

    Prior Bans:
    Ban Severity:
    Severity 6 (Permanent Ban)
    Unturned Server
    Banned Reason
    Stealing, Griefing
    Banned Reason Other
    Actions harmful to the server
    Witness List
    Staff Witness, Screenshot(s)
    Witness List
    Sr.Mod Misaki
    Ban Details
    I noticed a guy on a skybase shooting smth with sniper rifle. I understood he's a raider and started to build a ramp towards him. That base had a helicopter on roof. He finished raidning that base faster than i finished my ramp, so he stole helicopter and flew toi next sky base. He landed bad and heli fell down in water with raider. I went to him and made couple more screenshots. Them Mod Misaki connected and raider disconnected. I took heli out from water with carjack, unlocked it and explained situaton to Mod. Misaki took heli back to owner's base.
    On the screenshot is seen that raider was on two different skybases with helicopter. On helicopter is written j.hammond' s name. But raider has different name and was on two bases whose owners are j.hammond and Looney Nooney.

    Attached Files:

  2. The raider exited server everytime mod entered in. I think, Mod's work would be MUCH MORE efficient if he didn't write [Mod] in his nickname. Every raider knows he can be banned by mod so he exits just after mod enters the server. Mods could catch much more griefers if not unveiled their status in nicknames
  3. @pahan123: Staff can not remove the staff tags. Only the server owner can do that. He's the one who requires them.

    Prior Ban:

    ARL aka RebirD, and xXKillerKXx, the add-on griefer, have both been banned. Elevated to permanent due to the number of plates and lag caused in the area.

    Attached Files:

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