Moah car questions

Discussion in 'General' started by LovelyChaos, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Quick question.

    Is it griefing if you use a stealy wheely automobily on a locked car without a sign?
  2. Good question, but I can't see that being griefing. No one could build a defense for their case solely on the honor code. You're told to put a sign on your car and if there's no sign and it's just in the middle of nowhere, that's their own problem. But if you have to go into another's base to get it, that's different. I'm not staff, so I don't know. But that's my two cents.

  3. if its not in a garage, nothing built on it, not a sign even, try asking the other players if they own an unowned locked car, ask them to describe it and where it is. if no one gets it right or replies, its as good as yours i guess
  4. If it's locked, it's claimed. If it's abandoned then tell a Moderator and we'll decide if it goes back into the wild. When in doubt... Leave it alone.
  5. When people blow up vehicles with signs on them

    Boy I hope they get caught.
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