there has been alot of disconnects (about 8-10 in the last hour) effecting either a few people or everyone and it's actually getting annoying. is there anything the mods can do to help the connection issues?
Possibly because the map is huge, and to add to that Nelson added more junk for players to hoard. Everyone and their grandma is using the new ghillie net thing. Possible that there's already abandoned bases and whatnot strewn about with tons of storage. Also might just be the server. Not sure.
Yah, my brother got hit by that too.... Fuming by the time he left (lost all his stuff). I think the lag hit more then one server thou, which is why I brushed it off as "internet issues". PvE8 was almost unplayable between 1-3 pm Mountain, as it was for the last three days now. My brother (Grizzle Bear) had similar experiences with PvE10 around the same time frame. Resetting things local didn't fix it and "yells" to the ISP cam back with the canned "nothing wrong with your connection" replies.