Let's Start Over

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Talos, Jun 29, 2016.

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  1. Pete, I have never PM'd you. Ever. I've sent posts on this forum you have responded to, and I have talked with Mr Beats and Goddes Osaka (sp?) on PvE3, but that is as far as that's gone. I'm not trolling, I'm wishing this was a much more fun server to play on because the setup is rad. You can build up a character and get going fairly easy, but the massive greifing kills the happiness of playing on this server.

    I honestly wasn't trying to yank your chain man; I understand how rough it is to bust a greifer unless you catch them in the act. I've never asked to have anything replaced. On this or any other server, once you've been greifed it's time to start over in a new location and hope they don't find you.

    My point was that it's very frustrating to watch those messages fly by every rotation when things aren't working. My suggestion to switch it to tell players take a screenshot for safety measures was meant to be helpful/constructive, not offensive.

  2. Pete, a follow up:

    I've read back in the forum a bit and I can see where you guys are more than aware of the problem and it's probably a pretty sensitive issue. Again, sorry I came off so abrasive.

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