Inventory Transfer from one server to another ?

Discussion in 'General' started by Kevin Bonvin, Feb 9, 2017.

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  1. Is this possible ? Not just for the same map but going Washington to Russia for example... Sorry if this has already been asked not found it
  2. It is possible... But not happening. Not only would inventory need to be moved but clothing would also or you could lose your inventory to a new/naked character. Then you would want skills and stats transferred...

    All transfers would require direct server access and a full server restart to take effect. Now imagine a bad shutdown and you could lose everything on both servers.

    If you were running a single dedicated in your own house where you had direct access to the server files I could see you moving a handful of players from map to map.

    I can also think of the abuses. Get stuff in PvE, transfer it to PvP. Spawn fully equipped with maximim skills.

    Nope, not happening here.
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