I Love Surprises

Discussion in 'General' started by Meerkat2323, Aug 4, 2016.

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  1. #1 Meerkat2323, Aug 4, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
    I came back to PvE2 and I should have seen this coming, but somebody tried to raid me. Granted, my skybase is in a pretty high traffic area but that's besides the point. Is there any way I can get help slowing them down while I relocate? If I get raided, I'll most likely leave as I'm too lazy to restart from scratch. Whoever it is got access to my second floor by building up over my base and umbrella-ing onto my roof. They managed to blow the hatch open to my second floor but that's about it.


    Edit: I noticed this person has been going around using the same bridging tactic to bases in the nearby area too
  2. Shoot the barricades? And that looks like a hovering base. Skybases you cant see the ground from :q
  3. you know you have a good skybase when you've spent around 4-6 hours just getting up using 2 stairs and 4 pillars

    if you want to slow him down, place more claim flags protected by small plates, like 3 layers thick on each side of your base and some sentries for good measure, 1 at each side of the house should do

    or if you have resources for it, make everything metal and some spacers for them, like a 1x1x1 metal structure(surrounding your structure) attached to your base as a buffer for their raiding tools and hope they run out of ammo before they get to you

    also, place a ton spikes on your roof, seeing that your "sky"base is pretty low and might consider landing on the roof instead
  4. also, posting where your base is...
    swiggity swooty.jpg
  5. >PvE2
  6. wouldn't stop me from leaving spikes all over the map tho ;)

    oh a tree! i needed wood!



    oh my god, an ammo box! (contains 1 round and has a landmine)
  7. Bruh you cant hurt people in pve with traps.
  8. oh my, completely misread pve as pvp, (1 day of sunlight kills my braincells)

    well slowing them down by destroying the plates is best, and multiple claim flags
  9. Welp, I just decided to sell the majority of my stuff, kept some good loot on me, put up a sign and left chicken soup in the lockers :D
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  10. good choice, once raiders know your base, they'll keep coming back, better relocate
  11. It's always hard to salvage the stairs and pillars building a sky base..
  12. What? How?
  13. Not on a PvE server. Jump out, salvage the stairs. Jump out, ubmrella to one towers of pillars, salvage top to bottom. Repeat 3x. :)
  14. That tactic is also prevalent on PVE7, Sadly this could be the same individual....I would recommend not keeping too many things in storage for a while until the perpetrator is caught.
  15. Plates have been a pain in the butt since Nelson introduced them. There are many other things he introduced to make the game more like other military might vs. zombie games and it's only getting worse. Once helos and planes get missiles and guns that only leaves hard-coded nukes. o_O

    Any name to go with the plate pics?
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