How do we report incidents of stealing?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Krymzon, Mar 7, 2017.

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  1. I saw someone doing something suspicious, as in building a skybridge and climbing into a window, but I don't know how to report it. In short I saw Donut's building a "skybridge" to the base in the sky near Alberton on on PEI pve1, I asked if it was their base, they did not respond, I asked a couple more times, no reply. The built their bridge then when we followed them up to look fr a sign of ownership they removed the roof tiles so we couldn't follow or see the sign, they then bult a ramp to thw window instead of opening the door and hopped inside.Conner03 was a witness along with myself.

    Attached Files:

  2. Over in the Ban Rqeust area:

    We do need the offenders name in at least one screenshot. A screenshot of the player list with the steam name of the offender and/or a screenshot of the profile page (clicking on the name in the player list opens the profile page automatically) will also help to positively identify the offender.
  3. Ok, wasn't sure. TY, sorry for not being of more help then.
  4. Even though there wasn't enough here you gave me enough intel that I caught Donut, xdii and jow in the act. ;)
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