Discussion in 'Support' started by Snowy, Dec 5, 2015.

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  1. Um you'll be suprised raiding is become bigger now becasue people think no one will get in there house so they won't worry then people will go out of there was to make explosives to blow your house and get your stuf which you thought was safe but never was.
  2. Wow gj someone griefed my base... it looks very very bad.. :(

    I dont know shall i cry or rage.

    Ill edit screenshots later. And no i have no name but it should be the guy with 2 rpg shadowstalker and grizzly ;)
  3. @ sammy carbombs for example.. but what happened to the skybase of my "team" is even worser.. ill upload pics on weekend belive me thats OMFG...
  4. dang yeah it happened to my base too
  5. ik but ur signs are nice and your idea also is but it will never work in a world full of morons :(

    Maybe i should apply as Staff but im not sure..;)
  6. Do it why not
  7. Be nice XD keeps people happy
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