Hello everyone

Discussion in 'Introduction' started by sorasatomura, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Hello everyone my name is Sora Satomura but only Satomura is part of my real name hope to count on everyone and please take care and me thank . ps I am decedente of Japanese'm more brazileira so a lot of times I will not inform me so I can understand what you speak.[​IMG]
  2. On behalf of the JustPlayHere.com staff, We would like to welcome you to our servers and hope to see you in near future on our Unturned servers.
  3. Hi (っ◕‿◕)
  4. Just gonna say howdy and welcome to JPH have a good one
  5. Welcome to JPH you glorious man. Just make sure not to kill any russians while on PvE. :D
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