Griefed Base on PVE8

Discussion in 'Support' started by Lejimuz, Nov 1, 2016.

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  1. My base (along with a couple of my friends) was raided at some point within the last two days of posting this thread.
    unturned grief 4.jpg unturned grief 3.jpg unturned grief 2.jpg unturned grief.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Could you elaborate on what you need? I'm confused as to why this was posted.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. My base is missing the 10 metal wardrobes, 3 bedrolls, and the claim flag, and someone put a pine staircase up to get inside
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. If you are asking if staff will replace it, no. We don't do replacements. You can ask friends for some bits or kill zombies or play the game and gather the resources to replace what you lost. Too many people lose too much stuff to have us "replace" it. Not saying you didn't lose your stuff, but if we made a recovery service I don't doubt people would attempt to abuse- "I lost my RPG! It had 3 rockets with it, too.".. no way of knowing :p
  5. ive been griefed twice in a row on PvE8 which is meant to have no griefing or rading and no one refunded me and I think its dumb tbh cause ffs we play pve to not deal with this
  6. I'll try to address these the best way I can. We try to keep a vanilla experience on JPH. That said, griefer tools are available. Any game you play where destruction of property is available, people will do it. It's no different in Mine craft unless it is are heavily regulated server, which we try to stray from. We can't monitor out servers 24/7. It's just not possible. We're humans, too- and most have jobs outside of JPH. Why should we refund you? It defeats the purpose of the game: to play and survive. It's incredibly easy to re earn bits.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. To add to the "vanilla" experience: Nelson set up Unturned to play in this fashion. If he wanted PvE to have unbreakable structures and barricades he would have programmed it that way long ago. We experimented with anti-griefing a while back. The griefers simply boxed in players, let them die, then salvaged the barricades and collected the loot. They also blocked off bases, structures and towns. We ended up reverting back toward the plain vanilla experience just a few days later. The rules about griefing on the PvE servers are just that -- rules. It's not something that the server can auto-enforce. There's no setting or switch that can be thrown. Currently there is no plugin available that could track damage and auto-remove griefers.
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