Every reset i die and all gone.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Tenshi, May 22, 2016.

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  1. #1 Tenshi, May 22, 2016
    Last edited: May 22, 2016

    I only started to play today but 80% of the times when server get restart it i get crash at the moment it "backout" and then when im back i die from zombies and server restart.

    Duo to that i lost so so so so many items today and by so many i mean realy a lot and it feel's bad every time i get new items i lost it anyway duo to that crash.

    I do not know the reason for that crash, my computer is a new computer with almost the newest parts so i realy dont know why but anyway do you know what could cause it?

    BTW there are a lot of save's and backups but none of them crashing my game. only the backup before the restart.
  2. Haven't heard anyone else with this issue. The backups you see are simply the server files being saved at the server. There's nothing happening on your end.

    When you see the server shutdown warning get to a safe place and log out. Close and restart Unturned before rejoining. Let us know if that helps.
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