
Discussion in 'Support' started by Multiface, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. Someone broke into my house. Stole stuff. Luckily the jackass decided to have a conscience and decided that he shouldn't break more chest after he found my gun chest (spare ones that i don't care about, guns are overspawned in PvE, apparently not for the new players). The thing is, in the process he wrecked some storage stuff that actually takes time to gather (which i'm certain that he didn't even care about, as the wreckage stop at the gun chests). The thing is, this kind of grief would obviously caused by some whiny 12-14 yrs old. My opinion? the server should really take the age of the applicant into consideration for white-listing, those damn kids would wreck house after house looking for some god damn guns given no consideration of their collateral damage, which tends to be of much greater value.
  2. Yeah someone stole two of my chests too, guess they was to lazy to climb the stairs to get the other 3
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