Separate names with a comma.
My brotha pistol pete
pistol pete is haxor
don't know yet hmmmm I should have gotten a 24hr ban, warning, or kick
Oh btw Pete I was looking on the rules and I saw that threating people is not a punishable rule. so first of all spongegar should not of gotten...
okay for example when you put the claim flag down, we couldn't do anything to remove it except destroy it which would be griefing and you could of...
Oh pete? btw why were you trolling us before this situation you put a claim flag while we were clearly building our base?
wow okay messing up someone's thread is totally cool Pete
^ Damn strait nigga
jk asshat
:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: I secretly love you bb
and now he banned me
meant to put Yes remove admin
Names of people: SpongeGar- Dagerelf (dagerelf was clearly posted on our sign for our home he lived there and was building our friend up)