Separate names with a comma.
there has been alot of disconnects (about 8-10 in the last hour) effecting either a few people or everyone and it's actually getting annoying. is...
i take the items and if no one wants them scrape them and make metal lockers/wardorbes and give those to people so they have something secure to...
well i have 10 wardrobes and 1 fuel tank in my one base i wanted to ask if i need to remove one of the tanks
oh and is there a limit to oil dericks as well
is it just things that store items (lockers, crates, wardrobes, sentry guns, fridges, and coolers) or all things that can store (like library's,...
with my last comment i didnt mean 10 when i said "unless you dont want to have a cushion in case you die/cant find food due to amount of people on...
10 wardrobes is actually not alot when you think about the size of some items i have 8 on pve4 and they are full of stuff (2 food, 1 gas, 2...
A new ban report has been created for max-killer. Username max-killer SteamID64 76561198305668021 Unturned Server PvE5 Banned Reason Stealing,...
A new ban report has been created for a.therolf89. Username a.therolf89 SteamID64 76561198148581274 Unturned Server PvE5 Banned Reason...