We have upgraded to Unturned 3.x

Discussion in 'News Archive' started by Cory, Apr 15, 2015.

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  1. We have finally decided to update the Unturned server to 3.9.x.x as the older version 2.2.5 was no longer being played enough and after talking with our newest Sr. Moderator, SilverFox and Moderator, Zami and let me know that Unturned was far enough in development to support players.

    A new modloader called Rocket which extends to an API allows us to run plugins and Zami has assisted me in getting the server online with all the latest and greatest plugins.

    • Kits
      • Create kits for players.
    • Global Ban
      • May eventually add a PvP server, so this global ban system will be used.
    • Message Announcer
      • Sends announcements to the server, letting you know our site and we have a TeamSpeak.
    • uConomy
      • An economy plugin which connects to the shop plugin.
    • uConomy Essentials
      • We provide users a salary every 15 minutes they’re on the server.
    • Votifier
    • Feast
      • Spawns items at certain times in all locations. :)
    • Shop
      • This is an item and vehicle shop.
    • Whitelist
      • Plugin created for us by Zami to easily import the Whitelist because I’m lazy to manually do it.

    If you have not yet upgraded to Unturned 3 and would like to join our server, you will need to go to Steam.
    • Open Steam
    • Right Click on Properties on Unturned.
    • Click the Betas tab.
    Enter the beta access code to unlock private betas:
    Check Code
    • On success, you can then select the beta you would like to opt into:
    • Select: preview - Public test branch
    • Then proceed to update.

    Once completed you can open Unturned and click on the triangle (play) button.


    Once you have done so, you can click on the plug (direct connect) button and type.
    ut.justplayhere.com (ut.justonemoreblock.com will still work too!)
    • No Password
    • Connect
    JustPlayHere (Formerly JustOneMoreBlock) is a still a PvE and Whitelisted server, You do not have to fill out a new application to join. We have imported the steamIDs to our server and you should be able to join. If you have an issue connecting, please let us know at our Helpdesk.

    If you have never joined our server and getting a whitelisted error, please apply by submitting our application.
  2. Hey i have 2 things to say why our base [iron_ring and lalolanga12] on the sky on pvp was destroyed and the 2nd one is that we cant play and we are on the newest version of the game
  3. Hey i have a Question why does the map get a restet i lose A lot of things i want them back!
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