This guy destroyed my friends car and almost mine.

Discussion in 'General' started by HumzahB., Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. ricardoaamiro72 (ingame and steam name) my friend Waffles was driving past when recardoaamiro72 came by and shot his car down (a makeshift) and he started shooting at my car, he ran out of ammo and go into my car (i had unlocked for my friend). Then he didn't get out for a long time and I had to stay in the car the whole time so he couldn't steal it . Eventually he got out. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. This is not the right place to post it. You need to make a ban request and attach your evidence as screenshots or video . Do not crop the screenshots and we need the original screenshots showing date and time. Find his steamID64 and create the request in this link:
  3. Ricardoaamorin72 is a known griefer with two priors. Post the original screenshots in the ban request area and we'll reveiw them.
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