Rejected thiago.vinicius99 AND thiagotoo08

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by pmcastillo, May 26, 2015.

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  1. #1 pmcastillo, May 26, 2015
    Last edited: May 26, 2015

    Tinker here, I'm requesting to ban these two people: thiago.vinicius99, and thiagotoo08

    Here's my story:

    At first, I was curious who makes those bridges connecting to my home and a broken wall, so I just removed it and repaired my wall. Then, while I was still working on it, I heard some "wood punching" sound. I look around, and saw these two guys INSIDE my house. See attached image.


    I asked them to stop and get out but never listened. Eventually, they managed to destroy the gateway, (by jumping and punching mid-air). See Image:


    As you could see the image, the gateway is now destroyed, and they are now trying to get in. I managed to stop them by destroying my own floor so won't be able to hop in. Then they suddenly logged out. I hope they would get banned for trespassing, griefing, and not listening to get out.


    P.S. I managed to get the profile of one of the griefer, just incase they changed their names:

    Here are more screenshots if you want to see:




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