These a**holes destroyed my property.

Discussion in 'General' started by Loyal Insurgent, Feb 28, 2016.

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  1. There names are _KJ_ and austinmcghee88

    FIRST THEY DESTROYED MY JEEP while destroing other peoples bases to loot them.

    This was at PEI PVE2.

  2. Same happened with me... _KJ___ blew up the helicopter me, joe, and dying alone. I have evidence here
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. They just raded my base but they never made it through my vault
  4. since we taking this to admins i clearly have proof of all u guys raiding my base. all you :proof doesnt chow me in the act so its bascily useless. story is you guys kept taking my cars, i shot them blew them up cuz i owed them and you guys got mad.came to my base blew it up. stole my loot. i then chased u guys and broke your heli end of story. my proof has ALL OF YOU in the act of distroying thing my base.
  5. First of all i just got on this server and ill be happy to leave i am forced to.
  6. They're using rpgs to blow up the base now in PEI 2... please hurry
  7. ive taken matters in my own hands. im tired of being raided everytime i get on i have nothing i have screenshots of all u guy rtaiding my base yet the admins wont do anything.
    now back to raiding lol\
  8. ...Isn't this a confession?
  9. now it is better hope an admin gets on cuz im in full savage mode
  10. He's continuing to use RPG on it... vamanos s'il vous plait
  12. Hi,
    I have looked through all the evidence and the only person that will be receiving a ban is S7Pro.

    JustPlayHere apologizes for the delay for staff to look into this matter as I have been away with work.

    If you are having any more troubles you can find a staff member on our TeamSpeak 3 Server.
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