Rejected Therestertiger Greifer/Hacker

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by Snipec, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. He constantly emptied out peoples chest and stole cars and drove them into rivers and tped to people. He forced all zombies to stay in the air and broke the server with that and other animals too. I also got a picture of therestertiger driving my car into a river also

    -Sincerly Snipec or Ingame name Matt
  2. I will look into him but i cannot ban him without proof it was him but i will see if i can catch anything on him.thank you for reporting it.
  3. There was other people on at the time and you can ask them Fayze and Multi
  4. I don't have any proof of his crime, but he stole my stuffs while i was off for just 5mins and my base is on the sky (I destroyed some ladder below so the only way to raid is hacking)
  5. Hello!
    Just one minute ago I was on the server and all of a sudden the zombies began floating about 1 meter in the air (that what Snipec already described). I opened the user list and saw that a certain player had just entered - it was therestertinger.
  6. I was on as well when this happened, I was halfway through picking my stuff up at the time, after the server reset about half my stuff is gone. If this is because if a hacker it needs to be dealt with. I wonder If it was a hacker that caused the server to mess up yesterday.
  7. BTW: Here's a screenshot of the userlist I took when that happened:
    The "wth" comment from Urielseptim7th was a reaction on that weird event. It went on that therestertinger immediately asked "what?" in the chat.
  8. Too many reports and everyone actually complaining over the same guy. I approved of this ban.

    He's been removed from the white-list.
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