Rejected Theft

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by TheMutantHotDog, Apr 21, 2016.

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  1. #1 TheMutantHotDog, Apr 21, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    I was playing on jph pve1 and i dropped my rpg to give to my friend. yRevoluction_ promptly picks it up and tells us that it is his and logs off. I have a screenshot of him holding my rpg. i gave him everything else in my inventory to get it back and he takes it and says no. Pistol pete was on the server earlier, and i asked him if i could blow up my skybase while i was holding a rocket launcher. I have 2 witnesses, Deathstroke and Chromatix, and they will fill out the form if neccesary. This rpg cost me 10k bits
  2. how do u add a picture?
  3. The pic of him holding my rpg

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  4. He just changed his profile name, and i wasnt able to get his 64id
  5. Got his id
  6. His steam name

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  7. Unfortunately, This ban request has been rejected.

    Reason(s): Player has been inactive from Unturned for over a month.

    - Kind Regards

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