I've done nothing but help everyone can but it seems there is way too much griefing going on. My base was raided while I slept, and all my lockers destroyed, the regular crates looted, a wall on my second story was missing as well as the wall at my front door and the metal hatch gone also. I was mostly giving stuff away and keeping things for backups. This is ridiculous how much raiding is going on and griefing of player vehicles, and hoarding. You can't have a car without someone blowing out half your tires and then hoarding the rest. There is hardly ever a mod on it seems and I had already lost everything once due to crashing a chopper. Most people seem to want to help but there are way too many griefers. I mainly play of PEI pve 1. Can something please be done about all this people put so much effort for someone to wreck their stuff.
Can we at least take explosives off of the store page? I think that alone might cut back on some of the griefing.
Apparently there were 3 other bases raided the same day. Dactile Aquatiix and one other whose name escapes me
Just like red-light runners and homicides: It's illegal but laws don't prevent it. Griefing is exactly the same. It's illegal based on the rules but the rules can't prevent it. Don't build bases. Really. Everyone builds right on the road, opens a shop full of guns and wonders why they get griefed. Build small, out of the way and don't store anything rare or that you can't replace. Nelson will not remove certain aspects of the game. Any military zombie, mega zombie or horde beacon has a chance to drop explosives. They also spawn naturally at military locations. You're basically asking us to rewrite Nelson's game. Won't happen. The features he will not remove from PvE make griefing possible. Aside from the shop and (almost absent) kits our servers are plain vanilla. We do ban griefers when we catch them or if players submit sufficint evidence in the ban request area. Unturned is a game of survival. Survive!
I didn't say remove drops, i said from the store, as anyone who just dropped in can buy explosives and blow open your base and steal all your stuff, regardless of where it is. At least if they made it to the military base or got it from a drop they'd have to work for it a bit to get them.
Well the shop is Cory's department and he's AFK indefinitely. Doesn't quite matter at the moment as all of our servers are offline. Another issue brought forth to the owner.