question regarding c4 on cars

Discussion in 'General' started by Tactical Loli, Jul 20, 2016.

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  1. for example, i place 5 c4 under my car and left it. some guy comes in and steals it, takes it to his home then leaves

    if i punch the detonator while it is in his home and wrecks a few things, is it still griefing? considering that i can do what i want to MY car?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. As the great Neil Buchanan would say "Try it yourself!"

    If there isn't a sign or anything on your car, there's no way to track it back to you. I give this a 7.5/10 for trolling scheme.
  3. well ofc i'd lock it and place a sign on it but, they're pretty much free to use stealy wheely
  4. I mean if you didn't place a sign or anything there's no way of it getting tracked back to you, so griefing or not you won't get in trouble for it. If there was a sign on it, then it'd be like someone having their drugs stolen and calling the cops, they stole the vehicle so they are griefing, so in turning you in, they would also be turning themselves in. Either way I like the idea.
  5. "oh but i planned to use it against a mega zombie, let me go officer"
  6. hmm, now that i think about it, i wouldnt be taking a car from strangers now haha
  7. Well, the server rules don't prevent you from blowing up your own car Aloha-Snackbar-style, but they still prevent you from damaging another player's base on the PvE servers. Keep this one on PvP. ;)
  8. dawww ok, if anyone's interested in test data, i tested it on several vehicles, placing it under a car makes it invisible, and immune to getting destroyed (the charge not the vehicle).

    if you only place and use one charge, its possible for the vehicle to survive so placing 2 usually does the trick, and it also opens up pine wood structures when the garage is 1x1x1, furthermore, this destroys and nearby storage as well, so 2 charges gets you a chance to open a wooden base and surrounding lockers

    if you're good at flipping your car, carjack, otherwise use the lift in machine shops or gas stations.

    this was all done in singleplayer using default armor multipliers (which i think is the same as JPH) nothing is stopping you from placing 5 for good measure.

    good hunting

    EDIT: as for pve, it makes for a good way to check if your vehicle is inside someone else's garage, just bring out your detonator and it'll show the charge you've place. you will have to be within around 30m of the charge for it to be visible (or if your eyes are good enough even further)
  9. An even better way to do this is to place your charges inside the seats of the car. The c4 is "invisible", and if its a tank/apc, the vehicle will absorb less explosive damage, causing the person inside to die instantly. Also can't be detected with a carjack or dumb luck.
  10. Could with detonator, which if you dont have in pvp i feel bad for you..
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