Rejected PvE? I think not.

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by timothyii88, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. while I was playing on a PvE server, a player named cenk was fighting some zombies. He had a shadowstalker and we were just passing through, but then he shot our smoking car and it exploded. My friend jumped out a while back to help him, and he's my witness. Then he rushed over to the car and picked my inventory full of weapons and supplies. This was on a PvE server and I hope to see the person kicked out. I don't think this should be allowed.
  2. You need to take screenshots or video, you cannot just say a person did something, and have them banned.
  3. I have a witness to help. He saw the entire thing.
  4. My friend was on today, and he found out there is another witness to what happened. That makes 3.
  5. Sorry to say but witnesses are not enough we need video proof or screenshots. Thank you for your serves.
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