A new ban report has been created for ZzBeastBoyXVI. Username Code: ZzBeastBoyXVI SteamID64 Code: 76561198348331085 Unturned Server Code: PvE8 Banned Reason Code: Disrespecting, Arguing/Fighting, Chat Trolling, Threats Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: .Zen.Zen. Ban Details Code: He started harassing my friend, .Zen.Zen. He used various insulting terms aswell as saying this stuff, i havent screenshotted all of it as a lot was said in game through chat, and I did not have OBS up at the time He then took all my stuff right after I died, and refused to leave our base. He harassed her constantly, and stole the things that she had bought that dropped from her inventory.