Rejected Player Ban Report for Turner request by Slick

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by Slick, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. A new ban report has been created for Turner.

    Unturned Server
    Banned Reason
    Arguing/Fighting, Threats, Other
    Banned Reason Other
    Abusing Staff priveledges
    Witness List
    Player Witness
    Witness List
    X1XTHEBEASTX1X, BobStewart
    Ban Details
    Although trying to be the best staff member he can he has a temper and honestly doesnt care for the members on the server. After killing him fair and square he started a server wide raid against our base with other admins (the others were just having fun and honestly it was kinda fun). He proceeded to raid us again within 24 hours after repairing the damage he caused. From what it seems like he abused the use of the shop to raid our base with no chance of us defending it. Also after BobStewart /home after being shot at by turner, turner proceeded to threaten bobstewart by saying he should tp him back to kill him. In all honesty he ruined my fun on your servers by being a complete and utter douchebag. If you cant ban him just demote him because honestly he is the worst admin i have every seen.
  2. You will not see a ban report on staff accepted or enforced here. There is a chain of command that we follow with Cory making the ultimate review. If you submit proper evidence to support your claim I can assure you it will be forwarded and handled properly.

    PM Sr. Mod Max, Sr. Mod Goldagent or me with any proof you may have.
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