A new ban report has been created for Sparla. Username Code: Sparla SteamID64 Code: 76561197990084410 Unturned Server Code: PvE4 Banned Reason Code: Cursing, Disrespecting, Stealing, Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: vahe4002 Ban Details Code: (At My Base) Me an my friend were sorting out storage issues because he could not fit the shotgun into his inventory and he had to leave some stuff on the floor, then this guy comes up and steals his shotgun, I asked him back for it but he cursed me in return. He also just ran away and left the server right after which means he was just griefing (in my opinion)
Unfortunately you were outside of your base when this occurred. No violation. Always transfer items inside a secured location or this can happen.