A new ban report has been created for Scatter Wolf Username Code: Scatter Wolf SteamID64 Code: (can't seem to find one) Unturned Server Code: PvP2 Banned Reason Code: Hacking/Cheating Banned Reason Other Code: He was first banned for no recoil hacks and then staff deemed it insufficient evidence. Witness List Code: Player Witness, Staff Witness, Video(s) Witness List Code: Neurosis, Stacywho, Monkeyboy, Eclipse, The Sodomizer, Spudyj, Bronze007, Asgard398, Balance. Ban Details Code: Are you actually kidding me..."insufficient evidence" tell you what "higher ups" I don't give a **** about what you deem this. Scatter Wolf is a hacker PERIOD. No amount of bull**** from corrupt staff can tell me otherwise. How about instead of sitting on your fat asses saying this and that GO ON YOUR OWN SERVER AND WATCH IT FIRST HAND. And hey if you don't want to fine by all means let a hacker stay on your servers. You're going to lose the whole playerbase in the PVP2 server (you already are regardless) and you're going to lose money from possible donators like yours truly. You needed evidence we provided a video... you needed more TWO STAFF MEMBERS CAME ON AND WATCHED HIM HACK. He was then banned oh oh wait a corrupt staff member thinks this is all bull**** after we already booted him from the server and raided his abandoned base (which was above regulation BTW) and after the staff leave everything was fine and we wanted nothin but a clean server. BUT NO. PISTOL PETE SAYS "WAIT SOMETHING MUST BE ****ING FISHY LET'S DENY MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF EVIDENCE". He was then unbanned. And as I have been told this kid had nothing left no materials no armor nothing. And yet he apparently from outta nowhere might I add HE GETS A ****TON OF C4 AND A DETONATOR AND BLOWS UP OUR BASES. So now I ask of you Cory, not you pistol pete but the owner HIMSELF Cory. I want you to look into this case, and if you don't well that's fine not only is hacking allowed on your servers now you lose money from possible donators that get pubstomped by said hackers. Have a great day! :) Video of Evidence:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmUrnuOXPAk Feel free to look on my friends list for the following players in the witness list if you need more evidence.
The ban request was denied. The evidence presented in the video was insufficient. It was reviewed by Cory, Max and me. This duplicate request is rejected.