A new ban report has been created for menfijaytsuper. Username Code: menfijaytsuper SteamID64 Code: 76561198407205477 Unturned Server Code: PvE4 Banned Reason Code: Banned Reason Other Code: no other Witness List Code: Witness List Code: Darth Saeledhel SkullSniper Ban Details Code: raided a base
Unfortunately, This ban request has been rejected. Reason(s): Unfortunatly some screenshots on damaged buildibles does not mean he damaged them. We need him on screenshot with a weapon that can damage them and see both his name tag and him shooting at it. If you have more screenshots or questions please send me a converstion.
One very important note: This base was built on O'Leary Prison Island. The entire island is within town limits/zombie range. This structure, since it is prohibited, can not be griefed. I actually cleared it last night after the owner refused to acknowledge requests to move.