A new ban report has been created for KaTaVag(RUS). Username Code: KaTaVag(RUS) SteamID64 Code: 76561198166718554 Unturned Server Code: PvE8 Banned Reason Code: Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness Witness List Code: Charlie Trapbot; Mama Spagooter Ban Details Code: Let it be known that today is Sunday, July 31st. I was at church with my girlfriend, when I got a message on a Discord I get on with some friends of mine. One in particular, which I play Unturned with on this server, (Which, by the way, is an amazing server, keep it up.) messaged me and told me that our house had been griefed. That's two Shadowstalkers, two Dragonfangs, about 14 rails and a bunch of medicine down the drain. Our house met all of the requirements, such as a claim flag, less than 10 containers, it was inhabited, we even had a sign up front saying who lived there. When I got on after church to survey the damage myself, she gave me one more detail. Someone named "KaTaVag(RUS)" had confessed upon walking up to our shambled home. This is the only lead we have, as I am unsure if my friend got any screenshots of our home beforehand. I would be more than willing to cooperate with staff on this matter, and I appreciate your time.
We need screenshots of the offender in action. Screenshots of chat only count for chat violations, not griefing.