A new ban report has been created for joaquin112 (Not their actual Username they modified it). Username Code: joaquin112 (Not their actual Username they modified it) SteamID64 Code: 21432513325513511 Unturned Server Code: PvE10 Banned Reason Code: Caps, Spam, Cursing, Disrespecting, Chat Trolling, Stealing, Griefing, Threats Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s), Video(s) Witness List Code: Brindale Ban Details Code: Put down a random string of numbers in SteamID64 because they weren't using their default steam user ingame Part of a group of people griefing and stealing on the server; not sure how many people were griefed but Marius was the only one I recorded being griefed. They also left a message in Marius' base that read IDIOT WE (raided?) STOLE EVERYTHING BY: THE ZOMBIE CLAN ***** XDDDDDDDDD THANKS FOR YOUR STUFF