A new ban report has been created for gustavohenriqueramalho. Username Code: gustavohenriqueramalho SteamID64 Code: 76561198293111741 Unturned Server Code: PvE2 Banned Reason Code: Disrespecting, Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: saintdeux, apollomar11, LadyRina Ban Details Code: Player to be reported is named gustavohenriqueramalho. My other friend is sending a report for another reason (stealing). I was still in the process of making my base's indoor doors and windows. I locked the doors when I left to scavenge for the parts for the windows. My friend noticed this dude make a ladder through the window, & made a jail door and barred one of my window. I'm requesting for the said items to be removed and if possible warn/punish this person for griefing/disrespecting. We have called out to him but he only ran and didn't respond in world chat.
I am on streamer mode so you can't see his name. Hope you can trace it to him. (destroying things outside our building)
I second this as i am a member of the group. We decided to take a break for a while after this gustavo guy stopped going to the base and causing different kinds of things (Claiming, destroying, Building walls, etc.) and at exactly 6:50pm here at the country im living at I logged back in at Unturned and everything was gone. The Door was gone. Our bedrolls. Items that we worked hard on for almost 10 hours GONE. 2 players that we have been playing for days now and we know they can be trusted witnessed it. Saying that he blew up our doors and Took some stuff. They tried to stop him but they were too late. I mean this is PvE for a reason right. All we did was helped fresh spawns and guide them to safe locations. Then this ******* comes? I hope you do something about this player. And it turns out that our base is not his only target. he is also almost all the base there. the screenshot below is me asking jim if he got a screenshot of this gustavo guy stealing.
Unfortunately, This ban request has been rejected. Reason(s): Your screenshots does not show him damaging any buildings. A fireaxe does not do any damage to a wooden sign. I need to be able to see him destroying something or atleast see him damage something. This report will be rejected since there isn't enough proof on the screenshots to ban him. But i will keep my eyes on him. Thank you for the report. P.S: I will keep the thread open incase you have/will get more proof. Kind Regards, - MineJolle