A new ban report has been created for Eowendel. Username Code: Eowendel SteamID64 Code: 0000000Don't know Unturned Server Code: PvE3 Banned Reason Code: Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: I was in my base peaceful. i saw the words in the chat that said that the server was restarting in 1 minutes, so i logged off. i came back as soon as the server opened back up. The roof and floor of my base were gone and there was a guy outside through smoke inside, i went outside and he came up to me and i asked him why he did it, he said "Why do you think I did it" ? Then he logged off on the spot. Witness List Code: Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: Ban Details
Throwing smokes at the buildings does not count as griefing. It might be annoying but it does not do any damage. The screenshots must be taken ingame by pressing F12 and uploaded as original. Do not crop the screenshots or edit them in any way. Taking the screenshots with a phone or any other devicewith a camera does not count as evidence since we can't see the date or how long apart the screenshots were taken. We also need the steamID64 of the offender which you can get by pressing M and then on his name. Copy the link in the top of the page and then paste the link in https://steamid.io/lookup. After that you just copy the steamid and paste it in the report. This report will be rejected since throwing smokes is not griefing. Regards - MineJolle