I need an admin to ban and clear off the stuff blocking me from getting out of my base please the person was colby jack cheese. This was on a unturned server Heres the link to his profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137640637 Please help as soon as possible Posted 7:39pm Pacific time 12/29/16
Make a report at https://justplayhere.com/forums/banned-requests.83/ And add all the evidence you have on him. also give me the location of your base and i will go and clear the things blocking you.
I figured out this was PvE9. We need the /position coordinates, whole numbers only. 76561198137640637 Colby Jack Cheese, Swordrathsoldier
A new ban report has been created for colby jack cheese. Username Code: colby jack cheese SteamID64 Code: 76561198137640637 Unturned Server Code: PvE9 Banned Reason Code: Griefing, Other Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Witness List Code: Ban Details Code: Basically he was blackmailing me for him to remove all the barricades he placed down blocking my base entrances and was asking for bits (Ingame money). This was only 2 days ago. After that I moved my base right next to it (removing the remains of my last one and I did have a claim flag on it before I started building but somehow he still broke my bulletproof windows.