A new ban report has been created for 7thScar. Username Code: 7thScar SteamID64 Code: 76561198059744834 Unturned Server Code: PvE8 Banned Reason Code: Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Enemymine destroyed the base I built with my two kids. Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: Oni-Chan Ban Details Code: Enemy mine destroyed the base I built. I logged on this morning and the base, cabinets, everything was destroyed. I asked if anyone saw who did it and Oni-Chan said that someone destroyed it with a hell's fury. She also said that the only person she knows with a hell's fury is enemymine. I did nothing to enemymine's base or even to him. No damage whatsoever but he is the only person in the game I have had any trouble with, which he started in the first place. Please fix this. If he is doing this to me he is doing this to others.
Please quit placing your own name and steamID in the ban request form. The information for the person you are reporting is what you are supposed to put in the report. What proof do you have that enemymine69 did this? He is not in the screenshot. Any player can implicate anyone in chat. That is why we require solid proof such as screenshots or video of the offender in action.