Rejected Multiple griefers,vehicle theft,base destruction.(unturned just play here PEI)

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by Ranger Cthullu, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. I will update with thier pictures to this post as I get them, most of them are kids, one culprit in a santa hat has gone by monster,niggaface,mcgilly, and vos. I will start taking pictures, I and the other rangers function in server as rescuers/medics/soldiers who help players who are trapped by zeds or are close to death and on the run and don't have bits or medical supplies. We are frustrated because we are trying to help but our vehicles and bases are constantly griefed by numerous players. Worse yet it happens when we are on missions to help those in need.

    I sincerely hope that this can be handled, like I said I will get photos of them in the act and post it here. Thank you please do not close this threat, I will be updating the heck out of it. Thank you and remember we wanna be a good part of this community.
  2. This a player known as My Addias, he has been griefing many players, he is here after he blew up our teams car, and even after the others told him to back off my gear and I was trying to pick it up, he took my gear and then began taunting us. I hope he gets banned, many players are complaining of the same guy wearing a santa hat griefing bases and cars. his steam ID is FUNKY FRESH the server is pei 3

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  3. adding william steam id harrington who is also extorting people his name on steam is frump in game he is flatso and also adding Navie Mezo, who has begun impersonating a ranger and griefing people his steam ID is now rescue rangers to mock us, you guys need a mod or someone on that server alot till you clear out the griefers...Just look at the images, he is bragging about bringing down a server and is saying that pei pve 3 that you host is next.

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  4. Non of this is worth non of these show him doing anything wrong no punishment will be hannded out. Thank you for your serves.
  5. What kind off bull is this? Excuse me for questioning your decision but if you hop on PvE 3 you'll see that it's been overrun by griefers. If you'd stop turning a blind eye maybe you get something done.
  6. well as you can see from the pictures there is not enough evidence on me. and for the record i only wear just the santa hat not the whole suit.
  7. How about this santa...I have a picture of you impersonating a mod and the mod in question saw you do it, and he wouldn't write an obscene comment about himself. There is your evidence and if that is turned down then you must be blind, he just impersonated a mod, and is now on this forum mocking really need to wake up and smell the ashes Sporty, no offense.

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  8. HAHAHAHA legalius cant even ban he can only kick HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    p.s. im still on the server im just going to stop wearing the santa hat
  9. This was fun here are some pics to remember the occasion

    p.s. like i said he can only kick me he cant ban me ill be back on later
  10. You need to show some respect. What you gave me here is pictures of someone standing with there hands up, that is not griefing. Taking someones gear after they die is fair game. In other words, Its allowed. Someone pretending to be a ranger is not wrong. you name is Ranger Cthullu not Ranger Bemmo there for that is not impersonation. And Legiulas became a real staff. Jimmy just admitted to greifing with proof so he will be banned for 24 hour ban. If this continues it will result in a perm-ban. Still the first bit of proof was not worthy. Thank you for your serves.
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