Claim Flag

Discussion in 'General' started by SamsungMan183, Mar 10, 2016.

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  1. Hello everyone.
    Does the claim flag prevent griefing in the PvE servers?
  2. No it makes it so people can't build within its radius. If people can see you flag it can be easily be destoryed with 1-5 shots depending on what gun you're using. If a person wants what you have in your base they will find a way. You could almost full proof your base in someways but people always find a way to get your flag and get in your base. If they want to grief you the flag would mean nothing to them as they would just probably use c4. Hope this helped.
  3. i build a sky base with claim flags in the corners, the only way they really get in is by shooting off the walls and investing time to climb to the base with wooden plates
  4. Do we have claim flags enabled???
  5. well, its not for sale in shop but you can buy most of the parts. so yea we can lay them around as we please
  6. Build your flag and place it. They break with the slightest breeze so hide them well. They do not prevent destructive griefing but they do prevent add-on or block-the-door griefing.
  7. so, my airbase with flags planted on trees and inside with metal roofs got raided, might not be the proper thread to suggest this but could you guys buff the toughness of buildables? like instead of just a couple of shots from guns or 2 grenades, we could put it up much tougher? just a thought
  8. That's probably something Nelson has to do.
  9. hmm, thought it could be done by changing server settings or something, not in the game code itself

    i mean, i got griefed in a chinese server one time but i saw the guy shooting off 3 mags of grizzly to take down my pine wall (not sure if thats default toughness for pine wall though)
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