Bennythebull here :D (or BennydeChicago)

Discussion in 'Introduction' started by BennydeChicago, Nov 17, 2016.

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  1. Hello i'm Benny and i introduce myself :D

    i've 18 years old and i live in France (Lyon) and i've a bad level in english T_T i study at AFTRAL (to be Truck driver) and i like to play a Unturned when i've the time .

    I've restarted to play unturned yesturday and i usually play in PVE9 (can't go to PVP b'cause i'm too slow to aim :-/)
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  2. hey don't put yourself down! Your english is great!
    Good luck at AFTRAL, and I'll see you in PvE 9! (That's my go-to Russia server)
    I speak a bit of french so I'll say 'bonjour' if I see you online :)
    edit* Benny the Bull as in the Chicago Bulls mascot?! ;)
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  3. yup you're right i love basketball :D

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