Base greifed

Discussion in 'Support' started by tght, Aug 16, 2018.

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  1. Hello, as my laptop was getting repaired, I was inactive on IPvE7 for a couple weeks or so. Apparently, when I logged back on, I had "violated a rule about needing a claim flag." I know for sure that I did have a claim flag. I believe my base was greifed, as I remember there being a claim flag, a corn farm, my bed, water catchers, and more. Can I get my base back?
  2. No. Staff do not replace or reimburse.
  3. Over two years ago Nelson coded in a one-week despawn timer for player-placed objects. Don't log in for a week, poof, the server clears it automatically. Logging in, even for one second, resets the one-week timer.

    Nelson did this because servers were crashing from abandoned junk that was sitting around for months. Without the use of rocketmod many vanilla servers crashed in just a few weeks and needed deletion followed by a fresh installation.
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