Ban Appeal: Fierce Doggo Username Fierce Doggo SteamID64 76561198834306029 Banned Location Unturned Banned Date May 9, 2020 at 5:30 PM Official Reason Stealing Requested Reduction Remove the permanent ban or just give us a temporary one. Explanation My friend and I were playing in the server PvE8. We found the item Stealy Wheely Automobily and took a persons Ural. Their name was Ainz. The next day, Pistol Pete came into our house and permanently banned us for stealing. I think the punishment is unfair because the item is in the game to unlock locked cars and it’s unfair that we got banned for using an item in the game. If we get unbanned our first priority will be to return the stolen Ural. Evidence If we get unbanned I can show someone that we took the car, although Pistol Pete saw us driving it and banned us. Additional Information My friends steam name is PiemanCT he will also be writing a ban appeal.
Our rules state that stealing is a bannable offence, it doesn’t matter that there is an in-game item that can unlock vehicles because taking something that belongs to someone else is stealing. Your ban is not unfair at all. What is unfair is taking something that doesn’t belong to you and that type of behaviour will not be tolerated on our servers. Appeal denied.