Separate names with a comma.
I understand. Moving forward, Georgia has recommended making a skybase - how high can I go?
yesterday we got raided and 4 containers were gone. 1 container had 6 gas cans 1 container had 1 horde beacon the rest were mats and dressing I...
there was a truck outside that wasnt mine but someone blew it up. I didnt know you need original screenshots. This is where my base is at.
A new ban report has been created for Krone2594. Username Karone2594 SteamID64 76561198088230028 Unturned Server PvE8 Banned Reason Griefing,...
That's why Im asking permission :-p *winky face. These people need a taste of their own meds. But ok, we shall follow rules.
Washington players - lets band together and post the names of Raiders in this thread. Have a screenshot for proof. I will reward people who...
My base got raided. 2 metal walls blown, 2 containers missing. I want to suggest to have a thread that posts screenshots of raiders and their...
makeshift helicopter craftable?
Are there any craftable Vehicles in your servers? I have a pro account but my vehicle always gets exploded and cant wait for 8 hours.
It worked! Thanks!