Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, they might have... Though, the only way that would happen is if someone lured them up there. Thanks PistolPete, for your assistance.
Well, i took a long break from Unturned to make a Team Fortress 2 map so that i can mess around with the features of Hammer, and after i decided...
Just caught this after my report, he also used vulgar language... Guess he thought he had to throw that one in there. Snapshot
A new ban report has been created for bungleberry. Username bungleberry SteamID64 76561198183425525 Unturned Server PvE8 Banned Reason...
Ahh, that bites, thankfully though when i traded "Master engineer" that bus i had he gave me a spare 4 seater plus a generator, which i wasn't...
Hmmm, i don't have the bus anymore as i've given it away to Master engineer for the 4 seater vehicle he gave in return (and now have lost due to...
Well... Steam decided to do some maintenance and PvE8 decided to go unconnectable again and now i can't connect to the server... My 4 seater is...
A new ban report has been created for Link. Username Link SteamID64 76561198116251399 Unturned Server PvE8 Banned Reason Stealing Banned...
Wow, that's why it shut itself down... I really hope that Nelson fixes this, your servers are really good and enjoyable, lol I've even seen some...
I'm trying to enter server PvE8, but with no luck it just keeps losing my connection... I also see that there is no one within the server, so was...