Accepted PVE1 car and base griefer

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by {WC}PistolPete, Feb 21, 2016.

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  1. Screenshots captured by Hanji Zoë (first two) and me.

    Shotgunning a vehicle. Notice there's already one car exloded in the background. Sparks from shot visible in scope. Pay attention to the shotgun skin, chainsaw, clothing and parrot. You'll be seeing them again real soon.

    Inside a griefed base. This is where attention to skins help identify him.

    Multiple vehicles griefed, multiple bases griefed, including ThatGamerFr's garage and base. Trolling and admitting in chat to destruction of all.

    Attached Files:

  2. Thanks for the report. The player has been ban accordingly.

    Best of luck,
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