players :their belief in entitlements, underlying one's superiority complex garage; there is not anything to complain about. By design cars cannot be claimed as owned and they can be broken. but besides that, how do you expect a player to know whether or not a car is in another players use? Especially when said car is out of gas. So you tell me what rules you made up pertaining to cars that all others must abide by. I think a lot of young people do not consider that a many of the frustrations in this game are part of why people continue to enjoy playing. The biggest aspect in game being that: when you die all the stuff you looted drops. So many throw a fit about this (I died nobody better touch my stuff). Then when they make it back to where they died, if they think something is missing or items are in fact missing many will then rage on the closest player they find (***** ***** give me back my stuff). Everyone who dies looses a % of their skill points/XP also, but with that loss there is no one but an administrator to take out ones frustrations on. Purpose of items dropping when you die and loss of XP: incentive to not die (a critical part of the GAME in Unturned). You die its no longer your stuff. Sometimes you get lucky though and everything is still there, your friend picked it up for you, or someone else just felt like guarding the items until you returned to them. The game is set in a zombie apocalypse, every player in the game is trying to survive no one starts with gear or money, besides the Costco, gas station, grocer, clothing store, farm, police station, military, are all closed overrun with the Turned. As far as ownership goes, a structure you build is the only thing anyone could possibly consider theirs (given it did not exist without one having to building it; as putting a door on a preexisting structure or someone else's building will not give you claim.). I could go on further with many more details, but I am seeing it as a lost cause. ©
Well, in the PvP servers, anything goes, except exploits and hacks. The PvE servers however, destroying a car a player (who is currently online) has laid claim to falls into the griefing category, because in this server players CAN claim vehicles while they are on. However if the car is left alone with no placements on it and has no gas chances are it was a ride until empty vehicle. I remove empty vehicles when I find them out randomly in the woods/roads/beaches so a new one spawns elsewhere. As for dying, players need to understand that the moment you die your items are for ANYONE to take. It is completely up to the other players for what happens to these dropped items, be it protect them until the previous owner makes it back. Or to scavenge them for themselves. It is not against the rules to take a fallen players items, though it is against the rules to use the excessive language that I have seen when one wants to tell others to leave their body alone. However I hold no value to players possessions when they build in a preexisting structure, If its a default building on the map (police station, farm, airport hanger, ect.) you cannot claim it as a base. Doing so would take item spawns from other players, who will break in to get them. Though this one I have to stress: You CANNOT claim a bio-dome as a base. And building a house in them is a terrible idea as Off Limits is one of the most frequented location traveled and will most likely be raided within an hour. I have had to many players telling me someone is "breaking into their house" by trying to get into a dome.
i figured taking a dead player's stuff is NOT CONSIDERED GRIEFING. if you build in a building as an "outpost" and put accessible doors (wooden) and someone still destroys the base, would that be griefing?