Accepted Open Report: Ban request for boeyboy123. Racist signs. PVE1

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by VGRoulette, May 26, 2016.

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  1. After hearing about the excessive racism found across PVE1 I decided to take it upon myself to do some investigating into the players on PVE1 and found the person changing all the signs and flags with racist remarks. boeyboy123 changed the flag more then once in front of me twice caught on the included video below.

  2. Formatted similar to the staff area. ;)

    Ban request for boeyboy123 by VGRoulette


    Prior Bans:


    Ban duration:
    Fill in based upon offense and priors. If unknown list "To be determined".

    Unturned Server:

    Ban type:
    Language, using signs to offend/troll

    Witness type:
    Staff, screenshots, video

    VGRoulette, me.

    Ban details:
    More signs. Note that redrider202 is an intended victim/target, not the poster of the signs.

    My personal opinion is for a permaban. This behavior is wholeheartedly unacceptable.

    Attached Files:

  3. Having received a warning and kick this ban will be 24 gours should booeyboy123 return to the servers. If staff should enforce the ban it should be noted here and a report filed in the Staff Area.
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