Accepted Juansausageinyourhandpotatoes32

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by TheMutantHotDog, May 11, 2016.

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  1. #1 TheMutantHotDog, May 11, 2016
    Last edited: May 11, 2016

    I was wandering around, getting wood when I saw Juan breaking into a base. He had used plates to enter through a window, and was using a sledgehammer to hit parts of the base. (He was hitting the wall but by the time I took the screenshot he started hitting his own plates) The other guy was just hanging around. Couldn't follow him because my parkour skill was too weak.

    dat name doe

    64 ID: 76561198155551087


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  2. Thanks for the report. The player has been ban accordingly.

    - Kind Regards
  3. do not move till I move it
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