Server restart interval

Discussion in 'Changelog' started by {WC}PistolPete, Feb 12, 2021.

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  1. {WC}PistolPete

    Sr. Mod
    Staff Member Sr. Mod

    Oct 3, 2015
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    The server restart interval has been reduced to two hours. This should reduce the number of servers going offline without warning due to a bad Unity2019 coding issue.

    If you see the restart warning, immediately get to a safe spot away from zombies. They will respawn upon server restart.

    Note that the restarts, while inconvenient, are much better than the crashes because a server that crashes restarts with the last saved version, which can be up to 15 minutes old. A properly shut down/restarted server saves immediately before the shutdown. There is no reversion of player position or inventory/balance changes.
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